lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2007

viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2007

Anok Sondermann en el CAAM

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Landscape sign. Anouk Sondermann. 2007

Anouk Sondermann en La Regenta

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Inside sign. Anouk Sondermann, 2007

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2007

Stupid thief Jacques Lafayette

User talk: Jacques lafayette - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stupid Jacques Lafayette, the image is: DES-ORDEN-ACCION


sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2007

Art & life

Sondermann's book Kunst & Leben
Orders for buys by post:

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2007

Ecological Hyperrealism III

Ecological Hyperrealism: Waste, energy and market (III)

The most important concept i´ll develop, is the concept of metamorphosis. The religion is the clearest case of improvement of this concept, that means, a change throught magical or supernatural means, and the retainess of the consecuences without knowing the causes, all of us, believe in the effect, and we don´t expect a logical secuence to justify that belief. It just changes in an abnormal or amazing way in something, always superior. That´s what i call Metamorphosis.
The best example of that, is the symbolical metamorphosis of goods´s value in the abstract value of money, the economist Ludwig Von Mises quote:
“But it is also necessary to note that the special role of money among economic goods has, if anything, been over-emphasized. The problems of the determination of the purchasing power of money have mostly been treated as if they had nothing or very little in common with the problems of non-monetary exchange. This led to a special status of monetary theory and has been detrimental to the development of economic understanding. Even today, we continually encounter attempts to defend certain unjustified peculiarities of monetary theory. the wrong definitions of money can be divided into two main groups: Those which think of it as more and those which think of it as less than the most saleable good," .
Certainly, the paralelism between money and goods, is such we got with waste and energy, is just another way to exchange, measure and contemplate, but the esence remains exactly the same. Both money and goods,but also energy and waste means POSSIBILITIES. They define the human esence and all can be related by means of the METAMORPHOSIS. But to make that, we must take in mind that both Possibilites and Methamorphosis can play its role only when the freedom of market support them as a base.
So, as long as we got, we have defined three central sustantive concepts: energy, goods(money) and waste, and they are bonded throught the metamorphosis, the possibilitie and the market. The freedom is only possible in the markets play. All will be calculated and solved throught it. No goberments, no law and no policy must be an obstacle to its actions, it will equilibrate all.Market is the centinel and the organizer.

The next step now should make is, how we make this interactions between the trinity? How starts?, we know that they will self-regulate throught the market, but how can we improve them?. And the answer is, we must recycle and support the new energy sources as a way to get back all the energy that was transformed in the first way, this is the fisical translation of the metamorphical process that will work in the art. And the name of this art, which is in the top of the process, in the center of the cycle, which will bring the humanity back to the real belief and sostenible action, is called ECOLOGICAL HYPERREALISM.

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2007

domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2007

Las Palmas navy base

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Proposal: led-ligth sculpture

sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2007

Ecological Hyperrealism II

Ecological Hyperrealism: Waste, energy and market.II

The reality is always becoming in a desorder, and disorder is not the same than caos. Caos is the midline between order and disorder, that instant when you still don´t know if the happening will fall at the right or left side of the line, the expectation, the unknow.
Everything is corrupting, all is slowly becoming in rotten or wasted material. The garbage is the result of the ecuation of the reality. And this is due to the entropy. As the second law of thermodinamics predicts, in any cyclic process the entropy will either increase or remain the same.
Remenbering what the entropy is: a state variable whose change is defined for a reversible process at T where Q is the heat absorbed.
dS = dQ/T
it means that in an irreversible process entropy is a measure of the amount of energy which is unavailable to do work, or the level of disorder o multiplicity. The bad side of that, as i wrote upwards, is what predicts the clasius ecuation for irreversible open system, what says:
In other words, Any real cycle will result in more entropy given to the environment than was taken from it, leading to an overall net increase in entropy. Going further we can consider as the most final and processed product of the mankind as the most entropic one, the Trash.
In short, what we do, is to take the energy from the natural sources, we transform it in goods, useful or useless, and we go following a chain where, the amount of work we can do, decrese progresively, as the entropy goes up, so finally we get as product, the Garbage, full of entropy for the human vision, but it doesn´t mean that energy was lost, cause as the first law says, the internal energy only can be changed in work or heat.and never lost.
As a result of that ecuation, still remains a great amount of energy in the mere matter it gets the wasted material, so semiotically still must remain a positive value for the cultural statement.The waste must be put into the cultural-energetic process, otherwise a big catastophre will occur, because when i say waste, i mean all the desechable products of the human actions, that includes not only the solid waste, known as garbage but also the gases, like CO2, liquids, or cultural wastes like some contemporary behaviur with the fellow being.

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2007

Future city

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Ecological Hyperrealism I

Ecological Hyperrealism: Waste, energy and market. Beyond the desert of reality.

Today is a great day, franz got, at last, his new mobile, he had been wishing it since he watched the spot on tv, at that moment,that precise and holy moment, he started to wish it, he never was thought in that magic, atractive artifact before, he wasn´t aware even of it existence, but love is love, and can come in every unexpected instant. And he knew he was born to possese that article from the mall, the same image he prayed for, he dreamed with. He really needed to have it. So his formers possesions, like the clock of past month or whatelse he could have loved in the past became in not important things, superflual and the edge of vertigo.
We can consider this simple, normal, natural process, as the standart happening that conforms the developing of our civilization. Like a close system, it gets from nature, it becomes in an artifact,and later it finishes the metamorphosys as waste, the end of the chain. Now imagine that cycle accelerates, imagine that the process of make it, wish it, buy it and drop it, becomes in a mad, blind, nonsense movement with no destiny,a race with no finish line.Welcome to the real world.
What maybe Franz never took a second to consider is what´s the origen, the cause and the consequences of his desires. Maybe he never has payed attention to the heart of this machine, that give us an identity and a goal,and an excuse for being. He could close the family tree of this new Asclepio´s snake. Goods, waste and ENERGY. This is the new trinity of the contemporary cosmos. So, please, knell down in it presence.
The rest that maybe we could consider as the basis of our living way,as our concept of life and it´s boundaries, is just a copy, an imitation of this rule.Human relations are weak and efimeral, as efimeral as it becomes devaluated by the market.
If the waste is God, Jesuschrist the goods and the energy is the holy spirit, in this modern cosmology, then, we could consider the Market as St Peter, the centinel and the organizer. All takes place where he says, and nothing or nobody is moved, nor selled, nor buyed without his consent.
So to continue with this new conceptual and metaphorical approach to the relations that bounds the natural and artificial spheres, where the alfa is the energy and the omega the waste, beginning and the end, we must point in some rational arguments that clarify the sense of this project.As a matter of fact, the Ecological Hyperrealism is a new metaphorical-conceptual tool that focus on the art as a media to develop the keys of the actual ambiental and energetical problems, offering a new vision of the stage and the optional actions we could improve in some basics areas like the territory and urbanism, the technology and the social role of the subject inmerse in the contemporary case.

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2007

Madness is something sensible

The more I into the afternoon of my life into the far ones of the psyche drew, and there to put on the more attainable gave oneself she began roads, cleared in quotations in my dreams, which I further to call wants. And in the years after the sixtieth birthday at a highly gifted night of my dream life it rose on the camp, where we had sat and began with the words: I remains tonight to undress . I do not have the following embrace realistically dreamed as embrace of two bodies, I saw, where we lay together, deep white light like a galactic center of tenderness under the night-dark blanket has today birthday, whereby exactly taken the real the sweet blond meat with the shining blue pair of stars under the round smooth forehead but, which today celebrates birthday, me among the women of my schoolyard and in the days of beginning as the first and for long years blond and blue to dreaming brought, is drawn in into me pupil oh noon and has me inhabited with all the secret pain to unattainable distance. This white light under the blanket has itself again with another, dark, into a dream occurred, we lay together after long discussions and I discovered suddenly.

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2007

Manifest / Manifiesto


1/ The Society which surrounds us is clogged with concervacy pulling everything and everybody to itself, while it sinks slowly in the quicksands of time.

2/ However doggedly some refuse to believe it, it is obvious that we live in a sick society. The so called reforms which our governments so adeptly use to boast, are nothing else but a little step forward, when a whole jump can be done.

3/ People fear the new and unknown. They prefer the old, the known and checked truths. They are afraid of what the new can bring to them. They are afraid that they can lose what they have

4/ Their fear is so strong that it has proclaimed the revolutional a foe and a the free idea - its weapon. That's their fault.

5/ People must leave this fear behind and go ahead. What's the sense to stick to the little you have now when you can have more tomorrow. Everything they must do is stretch their hands and feel for the new; give freedom to thoughts, ideas, to words:

6/ For centuries each generation has been brought up is a same pattern. Ideals is what everybody follows. Individuality is forgotten. People think in a same way, following the clichc drilled in them in childhood, the clichc-education for all children: And, when someone dares defy authority, he is punished and given as a bad example. "Here is what happens to you when you express your own opinion and deny your teacher's one".

7/ Our society is sick and need to be healed. The cure is a change in the system...

sábado, 3 de noviembre de 2007

Spiritual energy

Attempting to understand the universe, build a conceptual framework, research and evaluate it merits, we must consider what science has brought to the humanity. and the big three benefits are:

"Genetic engineering," the creation of artificial life forms, is nothing new. It has been going on for thousands of years. Essentially all the food we eat is derived from deliberate human manipulation of plant and animal gene pools. Until the mid 20th century, the techniques employed were cross-fertilization, selective breeding, population culling, and other "natural" methods. As our understanding of genetics matured, it became possible to directly manipulate cellular material (ca. 1970+). Molecular biology now offers an ultimate genetic control technology.

The control of the microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, parasites) that cause infectious disease is perhaps the single most important contribution of science & technology. In fact, few of us in this room would be alive today without it (because a direct ancestor would have died too early). But as recently as 350 years ago, communicable disease was thought to be produced by evil spirits, unwholesome vapors, or other mysterious agents. No one imagined that it was caused by invisible lifeforms until Leeuwenhoek in 1676 first used the microscope to study biological systems. "Public health" consists mainly of systematic methods for controlling microorganisms.


Only since 100 years ago, the mankind has been moving on with the energy source called petrol or oil. It brought big and great benefits but also negative points. As many scientist say the oil era is almost over and we must think in another sources.

Soon the power will come from the water...

water faith II.2006

viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2007

jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2007

Project "Dedo de Dios". Agaete

Before / Afther
The "Dedo de Dios (God's Finger) Anouk Sondermann's project improves the spectacular beauty of the coast landscape, heightening the majesty of the rock.
The offer denotes a great sensibility on having placed the sculptural piece not in the exact point of the broken rock, on a hollow that allows to represent that the sculpture arises from the heart of the stone. The texture and the color of the vertical block of garbage compost with reinforced alabaster, represents the energy that ascends, almost as a geyser that projects a water column up, highlighting this way the landscape monumentality.

"Dedo de Dios"

Natural monument. Agaete . Anouk Sonderman project. 2007